Mental health support network for PWWP

Mental health illness support network for People working with people

5 Ways to wellbeing

CONNECT: Connecting with friends and families and others around us is important for enhancing wellbeing. Connecting will not only benefit you, but others too!

GIVE: People who invest time to help others rate themselves as more happy. An act of kindness, small or large can enhance wellbeing and is hugely rewarding.

LEARN: Learning can increase wellbeing and provide a sense of achievement. Discovering and learning new things is interesting and allows your self confidence to grow.

TAKE NOTICE:  Take some time to notice your surroundings, be curious, be in the moment and not the past or the future. Having this awareness can have positive effects on wellbeing.

BE ACTIVE: Exercise is beneficial for both physical health and wellbeing. Discover something you enjoy which suits your level of fitness and mobility. Try to do 30 minutes a day.